Samvel Marutyan was born in Vanadzor, Armenia, where his grandfather found a shelter escaping from the horrors of the Armenian genocide. Thus, his works are inspired by his ancestry — from his drawings of the horrors of the genocide to the symbolic abstractions of the countryside he explored as a child. His paintings are always full of assured color and expression with complete mastery of brush and palette knife.
He has had countless one-man exhibitions all over the world, most notably in Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Cyprus, Syria and, of course, Armenia and the United States.
His paintings reveal his love of people, nature and God. They express an entire range of emotions — romantic, brooding, thoughtful, and inspired. His great faith shows in his portraits of Christ — human and yet so obviously the divine savior of mankind.
His art is powerful and timeless. His portraits are deep and vivid. The works illustrate his mood, character and colorful inner world. There is diversity in his collection. Truly, they are so original that it is unlikely any art lover will ever mistake his work for anyone else’s.
Welcome to the Samvel Marutyan Art.
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Комментарии к работам автора | ||
Комментарии автора | ||
24.08.2015 | Регистрация на сайте | |
31.12.2017 | Последний замеченный визит | |
5189 | Ранг, место в общем списке авторов Артклуба по рейтингу (высший ранг = 1, низший = 53231) | |
7 | Альбомов | |
212 | Страниц в альбомах | |
0 | Постов в блоге | |
0 | «Картин дня» | |
0 | Работ в рейтинге «Топ-100» |