1958-was born in Neftchala, Azerbaijan. 1987-2009 Exhibitions (St.Petersburg, Minsk, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, Belgium, Florence, Egypt, Republic of Tatarstan, Singapore) 2002-Personal Exhibition in Baku, Azerbaijan 2002-Personal Exhibition in Moscow, at "Na Salyanke" Art Gallery, Russia 2004-Winner of competition exhibition devoted to the memory of Shah Ismayil Khatayi 2004-Exhibition devoted to the memory of H.Z.Taghiyev. Golden medal named after H.Z.Taghiyev 2004-Exhibition of 20 Azerbaijani Artists in Senate Museum, Paris, France 2005-Presentation of Pope's portrait to the State of Vatican 2006-Golden medal and Diploma named after H.Zardabi devoted to 130th Anniversary of Press 2006-Exhibition of Artists in "Opera" Gallery, Singapore 2006-Rewarded with the Golden Medal "Son of Motherland" and Dada Gorqud Prize 2007-Honored Artist of Azerbaijan 2009-Exhibition in the frame of The 4th New International Silk Road Culture Academic Conferences. The Multiformity of Arts in Silk Road, Seoul, Korea 2009-Personal Exhibition in Baku Azerbaijan "Gallery 1969" He was awarded by medal of "Qlory" 2010-Personal Exhibition in Baku Azerbaijan "Gallery 1969" He was awarded by medal of "Dede Qorgud" 2010-V International Festival of Arts "Traditions and Contemporaneity" and "For originality of drawing and individuality of style" in Moscow, Russia, 2010-Was awarded of title of Honorary Academy of Russian Imperial Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia 2011-Honored with "Man of Millenium" award, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Moscow, Russia 2012- Honored with medal "Golden Pen" Baku, Azerbaijan 2013-NGO in offical relations with UNESCO 2013-Golden Medal of Dolmabahche Museum Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey 2014-the medal of Leonardo da Vinci 2014-Honored medal of Europe Aykin Nurkin 09.06.2014 01:08 Aykin Nurkin 1958-was born in Neftchala, Azerbaijan. 1987-2009 Exhibitions (St.Petersburg, Minsk, Turkey, Austria, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, Germany, Australia, France, Italy, Belgium, Florence, Egypt, Republic of Tatarstan, Singapore) 2002-Personal Exhibition in Baku, Azerbaijan 2002-Personal Exhibition in Moscow, at "Na Salyanke" Art Gallery, Russia 2004-Winner of competition exhibition devoted to the memory of Shah Ismayil Khatayi 2004-Exhibition devoted to the memory of H.Z.Taghiyev. Golden medal named after H.Z.Taghiyev 2004-Exhibition of 20 Azerbaijani Artists in Senate Museum, Paris, France 2005-Presentation of Pope's portrait to the State of Vatican 2006-Golden medal and Diploma named after H.Zardabi devoted to 130th Anniversary of Press 2006-Exhibition of Artists in "Opera" Gallery, Singapore 2006-Rewarded with the Golden Medal "Son of Motherland" and Dada Gorqud Prize 2007-Honored Artist of Azerbaijan 2009-Exhibition in the frame of The 4th New International Silk Road Culture Academic Conferences. The Multiformity of Arts in Silk Road, Seoul, Korea 2009-Personal Exhibition in Baku Azerbaijan "Gallery 1969" He was awarded by medal of "Qlory" 2010-Personal Exhibition in Baku Azerbaijan "Gallery 1969" He was awarded by medal of "Dede Qorgud" 2010-V International Festival of Arts "Traditions and Contemporaneity" and "For originality of drawing and individuality of style" in Moscow, Russia, 2010-Was awarded of title of Honorary Academy of Russian Imperial Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia 2011-Honored with "Man of Millenium" award, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Moscow, Russia 2012- Honored with medal "Golden Pen" Baku, Azerbaijan 2013-NGO in offical relations with UNESCO 2013-Golden Medal of Dolmabahche Museum Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey 2014-the medal of Leonardo da Vinci 2014-Honored medal of Europe
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