черновой вариант Ге Н. Н. «Петр I допрашивает царевича Алексея в Петергофе» Фотография 33 / 42 0
Буянов Дмитрий ИЗБРАННОЕ – черновой вариант Ге Н. Н. «Петр I допрашивает царевича Алексея в Петергофе»
Freestyle painting reproduction of Nikolai GE ”Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei in Peterhof”1871
Artist Dmitry Buianov
Size:37 cm X 50 cm
Work completed: 3.02.2017 G.
Video of this painting at the link: https://youtu.be/zVox6Li78Tw
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Description picture GE N.N. ”Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei in Peterhof”
The picture GHE N.N. with a name speaking for itself, ”Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei in Peterhof” depicts a room in which are two men: Peter I and his son Alex. Only one look at the picture, it’s safe to say that between these people there is a mutual disagreement.
Peter looks at his son angry and menacing look, condemning for a misdemeanor. Its majestic and proud posture shows obvious dissatisfaction. He expectantly looks at Alexis, as if waiting for his excuses or remorse. His posture turned in the opposite direction from the son can say that he tries, as if to hide from something, didn’t even want to hear what his son says.
Alex, in turn, dutifully standing before the father. Pale, lanky, a little hand resting on a table. He bowed his head and lowered eyes, I can see that he was ashamed, and he feels guilty. He may even feel the fear father’s wrath. The piercing gaze of Peter I if burning him from the inside.
All the furniture in the room is very rich. Luxury is everywhere. Wooden table covered with thick expensive cloth with gilt. On the table lay some papers and an inkpot with a pen. On the floor is the part of the document. We can assume that he was there for a reason. Perhaps, Peter, in a fit of anger, threw it on the floor at his feet.
On the walls hang old paintings in massive frames, which in combination with the large fireplace create a special flavor. Carved chairs, covered in red fabric are the perfect addition to the entire decoration.
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Исходный файл: 2034×1545 px (461 Kb)
Добавлено: 03.02.2017
Альбом: в процессе написания картин