
Буянов Дмитрий ИЗБРАННОЕ

Ранняя Весна. Пейзаж Живопись 13 / 21 0

Ранняя Весна. Пейзаж ~ Буянов Дмитрий ИЗБРАННОЕ


Буянов Дмитрий ИЗБРАННОЕ – Ранняя Весна. Пейзаж
https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/512664951/early-springlandscapeoriginal-acrylic Original Acrylic Painting Landscape Artist Buianov Dmitry. 100%Handmade! Acrylic on canvas. Size: 15X21 sm. Completed: 16.02.2017 Russian Historical painting.Surikov.Boyarynya Morozova - https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/491172328/russian-historical Vasily Surikov ”Morning of the Streltsy execution”1881.Handmade- https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/494237762/vasily-surikov-morning-of-the-streltsy Vasily Surikov.Original Reproduction.Peter The Great.The bronze horseman- https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/492625027/st-petersburgvasily-surikovoriginal?ref=shop_home_feat_4 Free reproduction of K. E. Makovsky.Genre scene.Handmade- https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/493374562/russian-paintingfree-reproduction-of-k-e Perov V.G. The scene at the railway.1868 - https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/491333526/famous-painting-of-the-tretyakov Perov Vasily -Three of a kind. Students artisans carry water - https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/487335666/russian-classic-paintingperov-vasily Nikolai GE.Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei in Peterhof.1871- https://www.etsy.com/ru/listing/509731023/antiquesnikolai-gepeter-i-interrogates?ref=shop_home_active_1 WHY BUY FROM US? Our online shop provides FREE SHIPPING to your order! -When you order any two goods ,we provide you 20% DISCOUNT on all the goods of our store and the product our partner: https://www.etsy.com/ru/shop/PaintinFREEshipping/ -All our products are made 100% handmade! -High Russian Quality at low prices! All products in our shop are made by hand by Russian artist Dmitry Buianov. Buianov Dmitriy is the only Russian artist who paints beautiful paintings with acrylic paints in the Baroque, romanticism, classicism, and Russian folklore. Continuing the best traditions of Russian and world cultural art. Brawlers charges every picture, the energy of harmony and beauty. Energy paintings by this artist operates in nature at the audience in the most positive aspect. Some paintings are connected to their owners and viewers to energy (egregors) of wealth and prosperity. Other paintings as its background information elevates the audience the harmony of spirituality, inspiration and love. Absolutely all the artist’s paintings Buianov written in a single copy, unique for its extremely beautiful energy and colour and emotion.

Исходный файл: 1985×1557 px (767 Kb)
Добавлено: 16.02.2017
Альбом: Классика

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