The Lost Paradise Цифровое искусство 35 / 63 7


Nadin Victorya Mazpane – The Lost Paradise
Mixed 2017.
The wind deposited some words from space to me…”Come to me!”…and another voice said “Don`t answer! “ I looked to the virtual heaven and saw nothing… just a shining of the unknown stars…Where are you the Star of Wishes? Please give me your Light…Please show me the way to home…
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Добавлено: 21.10.2017
Альбом: The Star of Wishes
Альбомы автора
The Star of Wishes 63 Cyberspace. Nature theme 23 Morning star 8 Super star 4 The sacrifice 3 Ещё альбомы (1)
Ļoti skaista!
"Vision of paradise" katram protams ir sava paradize... Liels paldies jums!!!
переливы цвета красивые!
a fragment of fantasy...

Paradise is always there. Only people look the other way.
You right, but time by time we have mistakes, and we lost the Paradise... and we have to create the Paradise by ourself again...
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