Cyberspace. The way to Heaven Цифровое искусство 15 / 23 6


Nadin Victorya Mazpane – Cyberspace. The way to Heaven
Mixed 2018. Top 100 SMyArt 1 position 25.02.2018.
a fragment from ”The Star of Wishes”
”Where the way to home? I was looking to the sky of Virtual reality, but not found it…
“The God! Why you did reborn me? I`m lost here… far away from my home…”
Исходный файл: 7299×2311 px (593 Kb)
Добавлено: 28.01.2018
Альбом: Cyberspace. Nature theme
Альбомы автора
The Star of Wishes 63 Cyberspace. Nature theme 23 Morning star 8 Super star 4 The sacrifice 3 Ещё альбомы (1)
Впечатляет работа!!!
Heaven of Heaven
The Hero tried to find the way to home from the unknown Cyber reality, but he can`t... the mission is not completed... not yet, but he can`t return and complete it because he died... But the other Hero saw his dreams and want defeat the evil

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