3D FANTASY MIX Цифровое искусство 19 / 23 4


Nadin Victorya Mazpane – 3D FANTASY MIX
Mixed 2018. The original file belongs to Vladimir Putin.
a fragment from ”THE STAR OF WISHES”... 3D FANTASY MIX...We all have got a dreams, but an evil exists in the world...and time by time the world needs a Hero...
””…By the name of God…by this an ancient symbol of Fortune…Feel his pain! Come… the Star of Wishes!!!” Next moment I saw the amazing shinning on the Virtual heaven…The golden arrow has missed from the Angel`s heart. He slept on his Throne of Light and smiled in his dream. I understood…he had lucky dream…I turned forward and was looking to the abyss…Please come The Star of Wishes!!! Only you might to save an Angel`s soul from the darkness!!!””
Исходный файл: 6299×1769 px (727 Kb)
Добавлено: 04.04.2018
Альбом: Cyberspace. Nature theme
Альбомы автора
The Star of Wishes 63 Cyberspace. Nature theme 23 Morning star 8 Super star 4 The sacrifice 3 Ещё альбомы (1)
Amazing work!
It belongs to my friend Vladimir Putin, but an Angel who was injured by the golden arrow in this moment was by Janis Reirs and he became by my husband

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