The Farmer Графика 1 / 1 2

The Farmer ~ cornelis sproet


cornelis sproet – The Farmer
Colour pencils and pastels on 120 grams Strathmore drawing paper, 61 x 45 cm, made in 2021, this work is for sale. I have tried to depict the Lowlands farming communities in the 1600’s and honour their hard work to feed the world. This work is for sale for Rb. 22000.

Исходный файл: 2300×1667 px (352 Kb)
Добавлено: 10.04.2022
Альбом: De Boer (the Farmer)

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КОММЕНТАРИИ: 2    Ответы

11.04.2022 07:43   #1

Всеобьемлющая картина мирной жизни, все в полной гармонии.

12.04.2022 12:40   #2

Thank you for your nice words. I wish the world us as peaceful as in my drawing.

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